Bedfringe 2024 Interview: Confessions of a Teletubby


“It’s always wonderful to be part of a bigger beast rather than going it alone!”

WHO: Nikky Smedley

WHAT: “Arguments and poo! Sex and swearing! Blood, sweat, tears and giant rabbits!

Life on the set of Teletubbies might not have been quite as you imagined… Fresh from sell-out shows at Edinburgh Fringe, Confessions of a Teletubby lifts the lid on what went on behind the scenes of one of the most globally successful TV shows ever.

Nikky Smedley played LaaLaa (the yellow one) in the original series of Teletubbies for six years – that’s a lot of custard for a grown woman to get excited about.

Come and hear how she got the job by dressing as a bistro table; what it was really like inside one of those (surprisingly large) Tubby suits; how the NooNoo really worked and why children loved the show so much.”

WHERE: Quarry Theatre

WHEN: 25 July 2023 @ 20:00 (70mins)

MORE: Click Here!

Is this your first time to Bedfringe?

This IS my first time at Bedfringe. Firstly I love the name – very clever play on words. It’s a funky-looking festival with a great line-up. I’m super excited to be part of it. As a solo performer, it’s always wonderful to be part of a bigger beast rather than going it alone!

What are the big things you’ve learned since 2023 and have you absorbed any of the lessons yet?

I premiered the show at last year’s Edinburgh Fringe – three shows only, just to test it out and we sold out two of those. I’ve been touring, tweaking, honing and perfecting the content ever since and think it’s a better product now than what I started out with. Nothing like touring to help you learn how to make a show the best it can be.

Tell us about your show.

‘Confessions of a Teletubby’ pretty much does what it says on the tin. I spent six years of my life performing on Teletubbies, getting excited about custard and chasing a giant vacuum cleaner whose operator drove a better car than me! My show tells the story of how I got that job, and what it was really like to be part of such an amazing TV phenomenon.

Modern life can be pretty terrifying and gloomy, so I wanted to make a show that took people back to happier, safer, more innocent times and reminded them of the silly fun and joy that can be found in simple delights (like custard).

The show skirts a knife-edge between sharing all sorts of backstage gossip and secrets, and keeping the magic alive. Which isn’t to say that it might be a bit of a shock to some, finding out that one of their favourite giant yellow puppets is a bit of a potty mouth!

What should your audience see at Bedfringe after they’ve seen your show?

Joey Page – Pr*ck
Great title and anything that has a Malcolm Hardy commendation is okay in my book.

Kemah Bob – Miss Fortunate
Because I love her and her original outlook.

Luke Rollason, Luke Rollason, Let Down Your Hair
Once again a fab title and excellent image – yes I am shallow and do judge books by their cover!

Tony Slattery – Resuscitated
Because he recently followed me on Twitter, unprompted, and I was chuffed. See – shallow.