Bedfringe 2024 Interview: Adrian Poynton: Ashes


“Fringes should feel accessible and exciting and like you stand chance of discovering something new and different and unexpected. Many ‘Fringes’ I’ve been to recently seem to have lost that somehow… but not Bedford.”

WHO: Adrian Poynton

WHAT: Recently, I’ve been thinking of a thing.

It’s a collection of stories about some stuff that happened. Stuff that plays on my mind.

Exciting huh.

In a nutshell, my Dad scattered my mums ashes without me.

I’m an only child.

So… yeah. That happened.

Anyway… I started thinking I’d maybe turn them into a funny film or a play or something, like I normally do. For other people to read and perform.

But recently I’ve realised that these are my stories to tell.

So… please come join me as I bumble through them on stage, laugh a lot, cry a bit , laugh some more and — hopefully — make you do the same.

Life-affirming comedy from the award-winning creator of BBC Three’s WHITE VAN MAN, returning to the stage for the first time in over a decade with his most honest, personal, hilarious and heartbreaking of shows.”

WHERE: Quarry Theatre

WHEN: 28 July 2023 @ 18:30 (60mins)

MORE: Click Here!

Is this your first time to Bedfringe?

Yup, newbie first timer here, but I’ve heard it’s an absolute delight of a fringe (a delight I tells you!) run by brilliant people. So no pressure at all… but I have high expectations.

I think many fringe festivals that exist these days sometimes seem like they’ve forgotten about the actual ‘fringe’ part of their remit. Fringes should feel accessible and exciting and like you stand chance of discovering something new and different and unexpected. Many ‘Fringes’ I’ve been to recently seem to have lost that somehow… but not Bedford. The line up I’ve seen is really exciting and my experience of dealing with them asa performer/producer has just been excellent.

What are the big things you’ve learned since 2023 and have you absorbed any of the lessons yet?

Well, most of 2023 I was on strike. I’m a member of the Writers Guild Of America and therefore wasn’t really allowed to do much of my normal job as a writer for TV. So I started playing about with some other stuff… and this is sort of what came out of it. I haven’t been on stage performing properly in over a decade so this is all very exciting for me and I’ve been really enjoying it. And to be a completely arrogant tool about it… I found the performing part of it pretty easy to fall back into. So yeah, still got it. Hee hee.

Tell us about your show.

So, the show starts with the death of my mum (and I’m hyper aware that when I say that people will roll their eyes and think “Oh god – another comedian doing a ‘dead parent ‘show”)… but its not really about that. What happened next was that I found out that my dad has scattered her ashes without me. I’m an only child. So the show is me exploring what made him do that and the affect it had on me, our relationship and my mental health. Hilarious right?!?!? I promise you it is. But also it’s emotional and raw. It will give you all the feels (as I believe the kids are saying these days… which is both annoying and grammatically incorrect).

What should your audience see at Bedfringe after they’ve seen your show?

Well, Bedford fringe has attracted some excellent acts I can recommend this year.

Of the people you’ll already know about (who let’s honest don’t need any help shifting some units) category I’d say Paul Foot (who once made me an exceptional quiche!) and Ivo Graham are always worth your time.

But (perhaps more importantly) in the “People you may not know but are doing brilliant and interesting things’ category; I’d say you really should check out Chelsea Birkby and Luke Rollason. Both annoyingly young and talented and therefore make me feel a little sick when I look at them. But also annoyingly excellent.