Bedfringe 2024 Interview: Corporate Floss


“I have learnt that anger can be a great fire starter when given a safe space to explore.”

WHO: Eilish Poston-Saynor

WHAT: A spoken word theatre blend about two girls discussing their anger at their creative growth being stunted by the corporate machine they have found themselves a part of.

Eilish is a writer and director based in Bristol. She studied Drama with Creative Writing at UWE, graduating in 2019. Since graduating she has been continuing writing plays, poetry and a novel. Most recently she has written the original piece ‘Forgotten Friends’ that went on a scratch tour in 2024. She is also part of a poetry/theatre company, Fish Productions with a fellow UWE graduate. Eilish adores stories and finds writing to be an almost therapeutic tool that she uses to delve into difficult topic whilst also maintaining a lightheartedness

Freya is an actor and writer based in Bristol. After studying an Acting degree at the University of the West of England and graduating with a First, she started Fish Productions with a fellow graduate. She has performed at multiple Bristol-based slam poetry nights and recently took Fish Productions piece ‘Corporate Floss’ to the Bristol Spark Festival. She is currently working on screenplays but her heart will always be with poetry and the way she can use words to create strong feelings and images in the minds of her audience.

WHERE: Quarry Theatre

WHEN: 31 July 2023 @ 19:30 (60mins)

MORE: Click Here!

Is this your first time to Bedfringe?

This will be our first time at Bedfringe- It still doesn’t feel real that we are doing this, but are beyond excited as Bedford is special to us. Freya (the other writer and performer) grew up here and is ready to bring her creativity back home.

What are the big things you’ve learned since 2023 and have you absorbed any of the lessons yet?

Working too many hours (rip) whilst trying to reignite my creative spark. I have learnt that anger can be a great fire starter when given a safe space to explore. Life can be exhausting and will always give you the middle finger, so hold onto those silver linings.

Tell us about your show.

Corporate Floss is a personal (more than we’d like to admit) piece about two friends finally catching up again in a pub after a year. It’s so easy to get caught up in your everyday struggles and forget about your passions, so we decided to write those frustrations down, so expect a lot of swearing, drinking and extensional dread from this exploration piece.

What should your audience see at Bedfringe after they’ve seen your show?

Escape projects presents – Rehearsal – a truly hypnotic dance piece that blurs the line between audience and participant – definitely worth catching!

Luke Rollason – just a truly phenomenal comedic actor so whatever they do will be groundbreaking and brilliant

Lamp House – Frankenstein (on a budget) which looks very intriguing their posters. It’s a one man piece about Frankenstein (happens to be my favourite classic horror) and seems like it will be hilarity with, I’ve heard, an epic soundtrack.
Juliette Burton – Hopepunk – a fantastic looking comedy piece about hope and what it can do to you – utterly brilliant!