Bedfringe 2024 Interview: Too Young to Stay in, Too Old to Go Out!

“What helps to make a Festival extra special for a performer is if you feel really wanted as opposed to simply paying an application fee and knowing somewhere will take you.”

WHO: Nigel Osner

WHAT: “Nigel Osner takes a quizzical look at the daunting challenges and unexpected opportunities for those no longer young. He examines dating, love, work, holidays – even the gym! There’s a lot of humour but with a bittersweet edge.

Nigel illustrates his theme with original songs and stories by male and female characters. These include Gerald who is having a taxing night out in central London; a rich designer who falls for his hunky gardener; the man who falls in love with a wheelchair bound woman only once he needs a wheelchair of his own; Rosie, driven mad by her companion on a river cruise; and a fading star on an endless tour.”

WHERE: Quarry Theatre

WHEN: 24 July 2023 @ 18:30 (60mins)

MORE: Click Here!

Is this your first time to Bedfringe?

It’s my first time at this Fringe. I’ve been at several other Fringes, including Edinburgh. What helps to make a Festival extra special for a performer is if you feel really wanted as opposed to simply paying an application fee and knowing somewhere will take you. There is no such fee for Bedfringe, so that’s a plus from the start, together with the feeling the shows have been carefully selected and a friendly Director.

What are the big things you’ve learned since 2023 and have you absorbed any of the lessons yet?

I’ve been doing a bit of writing and performing in the last year – and obviously failed to absorb the lesson that it is always best to go with your gut feeling. I knew the arrangements for my last performance wouldn’t work, but still went ahead and, as anticipated, the thing didn’t work! On the plus side I’ve been to an all day seminar by Paulus called ‘Get your show on the road’ about touring small shows, solo shows especially. The occasion was warm and encouraging. I have started booking more venues, both for the Bedfringe show and another show. The two acorns haven’t yet produced mighty oaks, but definitely twigs are appearing.

Tell us about your show.

I’ve been doing a bit of writing and performing in the last year – and obviously failed to absorb the lesson that it is always best to go with your gut feeling. I knew the arrangements for my last performance wouldn’t work, but still went ahead and, as anticipated, the thing didn’t work! On the plus side I’ve been to an all day seminar by Paulus called ‘Get your show on the road’ about touring small shows, solo shows especially. The occasion was warm and encouraging. I have started booking more venues, both for the Bedfringe show and another show. The two acorns haven’t yet produced mighty oaks, but definitely twigs are appearing.

Question 3: Tell us about your show.:
I take a quizzical look at the challenges and opportunities for those no longer young. On the one hand, there are daunting realities and cruel setbacks. On the other, we can learn what’s best for ourselves, find ways to enjoy life and have unexpected victories. I examine dating, love, work, holidays – even the gym! There’s a lot of humour but with a bitter sweet edge. The show is directed by Janine Wood. Whilst this show is for everyone, it is particularly aimed at an older audience.

I illustrate my theme with original songs and stories by male and female characters. These include Gerald who is having a taxing night out in central London; a rich designer who falls for his hunky gardener; the man who falls in love with a wheelchair bound woman only once he needs a wheelchair of his own; the woman driven mad by her companion on a river cruise; and a fading star on an endless tour. I’ve written all the stories and lyrics. Melodies are by various composers, sometimes even by me.

I’ve performed the show at various Fringes, including Edinburgh, and other venues. Excerpts from reviews will be found on the Bedfringe website, where you go to book – well that’s the hope!

What should your audience see at Bedfringe after they’ve seen your show?

Max Fulham, comedian and ventriloquist

Sophie Duker is clever, funny and engaging.