EdFringe Talk: Failure Project

“This dramedy captures the chaotic balance of work and life in a way that’s both hilarious and heartwarming.”

WHO: Yolanda Mercy

WHAT: “A comedy drama… or “dramedy” about Ade, a successful writer, or so it seems. She has everything she has ever wanted; her career is flying, she’s (kinda) moved out of her mum’s house, her situationship isn’t as complicated as she expected. Life is perfect?! But things don’t always go how you plan, and Ade is about to find that out. Failure Project explores what it means to “fail” and if it is possible to recover?”

WHERE: Summerhall – Anatomy Lecture Theatre (Venue 26) 

WHEN: 13:30 (60 min)

MORE: Click Here!

Is this your first time to Edinburgh?

I did edfringe in 2017- and I was the underbelly tapped award winner. I performed my show Quarter Life Crisis, which went on to be pick up by BBC radio, then led to me expanding my writing practice and me securing a BAFTA nomination for BBW. Plus I’ve written an episode on the upcoming Channel 4/ Disney series Queenie.

What are the big things you’ve learned since 2023 and have you absorbed any of the lessons yet?

To be open and talk about failure. Which is why I’ve written “Failure Project”. “Failure Project” is a timely story that will resonate with many. It’s funny, yes, but it’s also real—like the candid moments on your finsta page. This dramedy captures the chaotic balance of work and life in a way that’s both hilarious and heartwarming. Written with the audience in mind, it takes you on an unforgettable journey through the highs and lows of modern life.

Tell us about your show.

“Failure Project” is a comedy-drama, or “dramedy,” about the rollercoaster life of Ade, a seemingly successful writer who’s always on the go. Written and performed by BAFTA nominee Yolanda Mercy, the show delves into the often unglamorous reality of being a jobbing writer in the UK. Ade’s career is soaring, she’s (kinda) moved out of her mum’s house, and her situationship isn’t as complicated as she expected. Life is perfect, right? Well, not quite.

As Ade juggles deadlines, personal aspirations, and the occasional existential crisis, she’s constantly reminded that life rarely goes as planned.

Do you feel seen? Yeah I wrote this show for you babes!

The show captures the hilarity and heartache of trying to maintain a work/life balance—if such a thing even exists. Ade’s journey is a relatable and humorous exploration of what happens when your professional success doesn’t necessarily translate to personal happiness.

Through witty dialogue and heartfelt moments, “Failure Project” invites the audience to laugh, (and maybe cry)….but hopefully laugh

What should your audience see at the festivals after they’ve seen your show?

during fringe i defo think audiences should be super curious and go check out some shows. I’m excited to see Shit theatre cause I know them very well (we were on an international fellowship together in Egypt and Belgium) so I’m buzzing to see their work.